Serving Area

East Lansing, MI 48823 - Ingham County

(517) 351-2285

About Us:

Discover the vibrant college bar scene and campus nightlife in East Lansing at Rick's American Cafe. As a popular night club, Rick's offers a thrilling experience with live DJs spinning a variety of music genres. Indulge in delicious American cuisine, including burgers and sandwiches, while enjoying drink specials. With its lively atmosphere and friendly staff, Rick's is the go-to destination for an unforgettable night out.


About Business Closed:

Discover the vibrant college bar scene and campus nightlife in East Lansing at Rick's American Cafe. As a popular night club, Rick's offers a thrilling experience with live DJs spinning a variety of music genres. Indulge in delicious American cuisine, including burgers and sandwiches, while enjoying drink specials. With its lively atmosphere and friendly staff, Rick's is the go-to destination for an unforgettable night out.

Category: Bars


Business Hours:

Sunday: Closed
Monday: 02:00am to 07:00pm
Tuesday: 02:00am to 07:00pm
Wednesday: 02:00am to 07:00pm
Thursday: 02:00am to 07:00pm
Friday: 02:00am to 07:00pm
Saturday: 02:00am to 07:00pm
Holiday: Closed
Map & Directions:
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  • Ales
  • Bands
  • Games & Game Tables
  • Lettuce
  • Martinis
  • Monitors
  • Onion

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